Page name: Lin's Jewellery [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-07-09 17:35:21
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
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This is the place for all of the jewellery I've crafted. If you see something you like, give me a nudge or see if it's up on my Etsy page. :)




<img150*0:stuff/bracelet.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/jenninkoru.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/vorkjebracelet.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/jitterbracelet2.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/kelariabracelet2.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/lilacbraceletb.jpg>


<img150*0:stuff/nehirwenearrings.jpg> <img150*0:img/photo/35761_1199731000.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/palegreenheartearrings.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/whiteleafearrings.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/grapeearrings.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/redstoneearrings.jpg>
<img150*0:stuff/roundredearrings.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/fancygoldearrings.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/lilacteardropearrings.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/efelanttiearrings.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/goldredstoneearrings.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/lilacheartearrings.jpg>
<img150*0:stuff/whiteredearrings.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/aj/4731/1305825755.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/aj/4731/1305825728.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/redowlearrings3.jpg>

Necklaces & Pendants

<img150*0:stuff/lin-necklace2.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/jitternecklace1.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/steampunkishforemu.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/steampunknecklace.png>



<img150*0:stuff/bluering2.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/brownring2.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/rosequartzring2.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/silverbluering1.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/goldredring1.jpg>

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2008-09-09 [Triola]: Oooh, the pink and silver ones are stunning :3

2008-09-09 [Triola]: And those too! :O

2008-09-09 [Linderel]: They're not quite as light as in the photo... Want to relieve me of them? :P

2008-09-09 [Linderel]: ^_^
I got my supplies here now <3
Next time I might consider taking the table lamp, too... <_<

2008-09-09 [Triola]: Sure I do :D What'cha want for them? :3

2008-09-09 [Linderel]: One pair (and if so, which), or both? :o

2008-09-09 [Triola]: I is interested in those <img50*0:> and those <img50*0:>, but one or both depends on what you want for them :P

2008-09-09 [Linderel]: The first pair would 5€, the second one... hmmm... 6 or 7€. Plus an extra euro or two for mailing costs, but since you're coming here, that's probably not necessary... unless you want 'em before that.

2008-09-09 [Triola]: Nah, I can wait until then :) will make it easier to pay you too, you can get cash :P

2008-09-09 [Linderel]: Well I don't have PayPal or anything so it would probably had to have been cash anyways xD Or... I dunno xD
But alrighty, I'll put 'em aside for you. It's both, then?

2008-09-09 [Triola]: Yes, please :3

2008-09-09 [Linderel]: Okies ^__^

2008-09-09 [Jitter]: niiice

2008-09-09 [Linderel]: See anything interesting? :3

2008-09-09 [Jitter]: Many things but I'm financially castrated at the moment and as much as I enjoy the pretty things you made me when I won the portfolio contest I sadly can't buy anything now :( *sings* Someeeedayyyy

2008-09-09 [Linderel]: Awwies. Well, gimme a poke anytime you can afford it - in the meantime, drooling is allowed xD

2008-09-09 [Jitter]: :)

2008-09-09 [Skydancer]: Lots of neat stuff. :D

2009-04-26 [Chimes]: *stalks*

2009-04-26 [Linderel]: Hallo :D

2009-04-26 [Chimes]: HiHi. :)

Go on msnnn.

2009-04-26 [Linderel]: Gah, I can't >_< It'll just further my procrastination. I'm supposed to be working right this minute, damnit!

Oh well. Just for a little while.

2009-04-26 [Chimes]: Hehehe. Sorreh :P

2009-09-18 [Chimes]: <3

2009-09-19 [Skydancer]: lovely work as always.

2009-09-24 [Chimes]: I gots me necklace... but some of the glue has unstuck... so I have to stick it down again. I'm wearing it now.

2009-09-24 [Linderel]: Amg D: *makes note to buy better glue*

2011-05-18 [Linderel]: Cleaned up a little and added new stuff. :)

2011-05-18 [windowframe]: :O :O :O Where did the rings go?? They were my favourite. ;_;

2011-05-18 [Linderel]: I didn't like them <_< But I can put them back up I guess xD

2011-05-18 [Linderel]: I actually still have that silver and blue one. It's sort of too fancy for me, so I'll give it away for free if anyone's interested. <_<

2011-05-18 [Nioniel]: Very cool. I like the rings.

2011-05-18 [Linderel]: Thanks. :3

2011-05-18 [windowframe]: :O :O :O For realz? I'll trade it you for a mask, or a hat or something, if you like?

2011-05-18 [Linderel]: w00t! Sounds awesome. :3

2011-05-18 [windowframe]: :3 Amg. *excited*

2011-05-18 [Akayume]: <img50*0:> SO PRETTY. DX

2011-05-18 [Linderel]: :3 Too bad it was so tiny that it didn't even fit my smallest finger. xD It was a child's ring.

2011-05-18 [Akayume]: Really? Awwww. :( It's still very pretty though! <3 I cannot work with metal. >.>" I have bad luck with it.

2011-05-18 [windowframe]: Someone who's not me should totally make a craft-exchange wiki. <_<

2011-05-18 [Akayume]: Doooo eeeeeet... DOOOOO EEEEETT....

2011-05-18 [windowframe]: If I make it, I can't featured it. X)

2011-05-18 [Akayume]: Well, I dun make cool graphics. >.>" ....Linnnnn :P

2011-05-18 [Linderel]: Okay :O

2011-05-18 [Akayume]: Huzzah!

2011-05-18 [windowframe]: :D Win!

2011-05-18 [Linderel]: Imma workin on it nao. I'll continue when I have time but nao I needs sleeps :O Craft Exchange

2011-05-18 [Linderel]: Should I make that "The Elftown Craft Exchange"?

2011-05-18 [Lothuriel]: these are all so pretty!!

2011-05-18 [Linderel]: Thanks. ^____^

2011-05-18 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: Those first two, three rings remind me of like ye olde globes and planetary astronomy system tools. You know what I mean kinda? I love those kinds of things.Do you sell these..?

2011-05-19 [Linderel]: The items that are listed as available are for sale. :) I haven't made rings in a looooong time. I was never that happy with them, myself. xP

2011-05-19 [Nioniel]: Are the earrings hypo-allergenic?

2011-05-19 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: I wondered that. I was looking at the elephant.

2011-05-19 [Nioniel]: I love these: <img30*0:>

I'm an earring whore, I've got about 100+ different pairs, but I can't wear anything that's not hypo-allergenic or I get really gross hives and infections. :(

2011-05-19 [Linderel]: I can tell you that they should be nickel-free, but that's all I can say for certain. What do you mean by hypo-allergenic, exactly? :)

Oh, and those I made for [nehirwen]. :D As you might have surmised from the filename.

As for the elephants... I still have red ones which I kept for myself, but I've only worn them a couple of times. I should go see if I can get more of the elephants when I get to Helsinki...

2011-05-19 [Nioniel]: I mean nickel-free. :)

I did indeed. They're beautiful. I've looked at jewelery-making supplies at craft stores, but haven't found the time or money to take it up myself, but I'm always envious of the skills of others, and you definitely have skills. :D

2011-05-19 [Linderel]: Hee. Thank you. :3 It just takes a bit of an eye for combination, really. And patience to fiddle with small items. <_<

2011-05-19 [Nioniel]: Ah, I have chubby fingers, so I don't handle small items well. >.<

2011-05-19 [Linderel]: Aww, that's too bad. :/

Mass upload! I still have LOADS of those dice beads.

2011-05-19 [nehirwen]: I should make a photo of me wearing those awesome earrings! :o

2011-05-19 [Linderel]: Yes, you should!

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: Yes. ^^

2011-05-20 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: Don't suppose you have anything that like cards-spades/diamonds/hearts bracelet/earrings wise? Black/red? I have a colour scheme at present.

2011-05-20 [Akayume]: Ouah! Those owl earrings are sooooo cuuuute! X3

2011-05-20 [Linderel]: I have plenty of heart-shaped beads. No black or red ones, though. :/

Akay, I know :D I adore the owl beads. I'm probably going to buy more of them at some point.

2011-05-20 [Akayume]: Sooooo cute. X3

2011-06-08 [Akayume]: Linnnn. Psssst. :P I see the owl bead earrings are under "available". :O :O Are they up for trade or purchase?

2011-06-08 [Linderel]: Sorry, I just promised them to Trin. <_<

2011-06-08 [Triola]: Hah, talk about bad timing xD She literally just did

2011-06-08 [Akayume]: Waaahh! Get moar! *tear*

2011-06-08 [Linderel]: 'Tis in the plans! :O At... some point... I'll order moar sometime during the summer, prolly.

2011-06-08 [Akayume]: Is it not summer already? O.o

2011-06-08 [Linderel]: Well, yes, but there's still lots of summer to go xD I shall have to fiddle with addresses... I'll see about it during the weekend, mmkay?

2011-06-08 [Akayume]: Otay. :3 I wasn't sure because the seasons don't always match. o.o

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